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Workforce & Workflow management - Time & Attendance solutions - Guard Tour systems
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Pancomp Workflow Management Solution
Pancomp workflow management solution is another addition to the time attendance system to add efficiency and productivity in service companies. Scheduling and organizing tasks is simple even for clients with multiple locations and requirements for tasks to be completed. With Pancomp workflow management software you can easily arrange tasks and employee resources to ensure workflow is managed to your advantage and employees have just the right amount of work to complete. Professional workflow management solution for service businesses!
Pancomp workflow management system allows the management of a service company to set various workflows for different types of tasks, and individual employees or groups responsible for the given task. With Pancomp workflow management system routines can be documented and managed efficiently, and there is no more need to use complex excel spreadsheets or manual documentation for workflow management. With the increased automation, there is less room for manual error, with Pancomp workflow management system it is possible to make sure all extra work and ad hoc job requirements are processed through to invoicing. The workflow management system enables a service company to pass on instructions and set procedures for employees even when in the field. Employees calendars are available to view by management, and they can even be emailed to employees in the workflow management system. Personal employee capacity can be monitored so employees are not overworked and under capacity utilization is avoided – productivity is maximized!
The Pancomp workflow management system is flexible and scalable to any size business, and enables a complete view of the workflow in the company. It is possible to see anything currently being worked on, workflow in relation to invoicing, tasks yet to be started etc. It is easy to add employees, new customers and additional customer sites onto the workflow management software, so the system keeps up with your growing company! No need to worry about any work completed not being invoiced. Pancomp workflow management software gives you a better view of your business in terms of capacity planning, client requirements and resource availability.
SaaS – we’ll deal with the IT side, you simply access it anywhere you want on your Internet browser
Available whenever you need it, if you have a device online
Easy to use, no need to download massive programs
Integration to your payroll enables accuracy in salaries, no need to worry about manual time cards, human error in calculation and data entry
Profitability is increased through more efficient invoicing, workforce management and increased client retention rates
Know where your employees are ensuring their safety, get reports on time spent in client locations, be alerted on no-shows or overtime and reduce customer complaints
Grievances with employees reduced with ability to prove and track time and attendance – Eliminate time cheating
Improved employee productivity through easy scheduling and work planning
Automating reporting improves transparency internally and externally