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Maintaining your customer's trust and satisfaction year after year is vital in order to retain your service contracts. With Pancomp you can improve workforce and workflow management, improve your quality control, and maintain electronic documentation of your service process.

We make services transparent! 




Please fill in the message field and explain if you want to be contacted by phone or e-mail / mail.

With the below information we are able to send you a quote tailored to your specific requirements:

  1. Pancomp Secure or Pancomp Clean

  2. Describe what the biggest challenges are that you would like to solve with this software product (inaccurate reporting of working hours, payroll integration, scheduling or other (please describe)

  3. How many employees would be integrated into the system

  4. How many buildings / sites would be part of the system

  5. Anything else that you would like us to consider in your proposal 


  • linkedin
Contact: Contact

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